297 Affirmations for Self Doubt To Lift Your Spirit & Win At Life


Affirmations for self doubt are a potent way to boost your self-esteem and improve your mood.

Overcoming the challenges of life often includes strengthening the mental aspect of your character and one of the best ways you can do this is through self-affirmation activities and mantras that put you in the right mindset.

We all have doubts. We believe we’re not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. But what if we could say affirmations to turn that around and really start believing in ourselves?

List of Affirmations to Overcome Self Doubt

List of Affirmations to Overcome Self Doubt

I am a good friend.

I have the strength to face challenges head-on.

I embrace all of my attributes and areas for growth.

I am diligent and get the job done.

I am able to ask for and accept help when I need it.

I am worthy of respect and love.

I have incredible potential.

I take responsibility for being a good loving partner.

I embrace tough times because they are here to make my relationships with others stronger.

I am enough, just as I am.

I am not perfect, I am just human.

I deserve joy and abundance.

I invite confidence into my life.

I am capable of completing any task I am given.

I am a wonder woman.

I won’t say no out of fear.

I tell my inner critic to shut up. I stop criticizing and blaming myself.

I have a great support system in my life.

It’s okay if I stumble because my friends are a safe spot to land.

I stop overthinking the events of the past and worrying about the future.

I am virtuous.

I have earned the self-confidence that emanates from me.

My strength is greater than any struggle.

I release doubt and welcome faith.

My past doesn’t define my future.

I am worthy, inside and out.

I am the embodiment of self-confidence.

I create new and better opportunities for myself.

I spread positivity and light wherever I go.

My body is my home, and I choose to build it up instead of tearing it down.

I release all doubts and insecurities about myself.

I glow with self-confidence.

I know that there’s a wonderful plan for me

I find love everywhere I look.

I am always self-assured in my daily dealings.

Life’s full of abundance.

All things work together for my good

I am a good mother.

I allow myself to calm down and fall asleep peacefully.

The universe is conspiring to help me achieve all my goals.

I always reframe negatives to positives.

I acknowledge my insecurities but choose to push forward anyway.

Hard times make me stronger.

I bring light to those around me.

My faith is unshakeable.

I am surrounded by uplifting, supportive people who believe in me.

I deserve to be happy.

I achieve all my goals.

I can do this.

I am on my own unique path.

Affirmations for Self-Doubt at Work

I am worth it.

In the face of fear and uncertainty, I choose gratitude and trust.

I don’t care what others might think of me.

Other people’s opinions don’t define me.

I radiate positivity.

Fear doesn’t hold me back.

I control my destiny.

I have the power to do anything I put my mind to.

I can do hard things.

My ambition is constantly creating new career opportunities.

I can adapt to whatever comes my way.

I accept who I am.

I am proud of my uniqueness.

I am strong and full of self-belief.

I am letting go of self-doubt for good.

I am an attribute to any team.

I welcome constructive criticism and use it to build healthy and lasting relationships.

The world’s better off with me in it.

I enjoy my work, and my effort always pays off.

I am ready to meet any challenges that come my way.

I am my best source of inspiration.

I release self-criticism and choose self-love.

I purge myself of negativity.

I am good enough to be in a loving relationship.

My work is appreciated, and others follow my lead.

I am responsible for my joy and happiness.

I am authentic, genuine, and deserving of success.

Every day I become a better version of myself.

I am willing to listen to others because I love and respect them.

My performance is impressive and always recognized.

I am safe. I am protected. I am loved.

I trust my process.

My coworkers and clients appreciate my hard work, confidence, and wisdom.

The choices I make have a positive impact on the people around me.

I am pure love. I am a magnet for love.

I am radiant. I am stunning. I am beautiful.

I am an invaluable asset to my team and inspire them to follow my lead.

I let go of all my fears and concerns.

I am trustworthy. I trust myself completely and other people can too.

I believe in myself.

I believe that good things are possible for me.

I am kind, caring, compassionate, and strong.

I thrust myself into challenges and come out unscathed.

I am a faithful and reliable partner.

I am beautiful on the inside and out.

I love uncertainty and the opportunities it represents.

My current situation is preparing me for my dream career.

I know that it’s OK to fail as long as I get back up again

I am going with the flow and enjoying myself.

I have enough confidence for everyone in the room.

I am a child of God, He’s always with me.

Affirmations for Self-Doubt in Personal Relationships

Affirmations for Self-doubt at Night

I am lovable. I am good enough to be loved. I feel safe and confident in my relationship.

My job is fulfilling and helps me grow as a person.

I am passionate and enthusiastic.

I respect myself and my intentions.

I compare myself to who I was yesterday instead of other people.

I am not my fears.

Negative thoughts fall from me like water off a duck’s back.

I am grateful for everything I have.

I am worthy of my success.

I deserve the position in which I’ve put myself.

I am worthy of a partner who cares about me.

I trust my gut.

I feel safe in my body.

I release my self-doubts into the ether.

I am always embraced and welcomed when I enter a room.

Money doesn’t define my happiness.

I deserve the love and support of my friends.

I seize opportunities when they present themselves.

I am proud of myself for showing up.

I deserve to refuel my body and care for myself.

I assert myself when it’s appropriate.

I learn from my mistakes.

I respect my needs, feelings, and desires.

My hard work always pays off.

I take the initiative and make good decisions.

There’s a season for everything: difficult circumstances come and go.

I have the power to accomplish everything I set out to.

I am grateful for my potential.

I am making a positive difference.

I choose to find joy in each day.

I am braver than I give myself credit for.

I choose courage over fear and peace over perfection.

Challenges and difficulties motivate me to work harder and become the best version of myself.

I am strong and courageous.

I show compassion for myself in all situations.

I am great at this. I am perfect for this job.

I am confident in my knowledge and understanding of things.

I always celebrate my small wins as well as big achievements.

I am assertive.

I work hard and deserve the credit I get.

Great success is waiting for me.

I am a great decision-maker.

I am capable and worthy of more.

I do not have to be perfect. I just have to show up.

I am saturated with self-confidence and humility.

I am confident in my skills and work experience.

I have gifts to share with the world.

My contributions are meaningful, valued, and rewarded.

I am growing and becoming.

I am doing my best.

Affirmations for Self-Doubt in Personal Relationships

My self-confidence is growing by the day.

I treat myself with love and kindness.

I see all the nice things in myself and accept that it’s enough to be loved.

I can easily finish everything I start.

I stop comparing myself to others. I am unique and nobody else is like me.

I stop myself at the very first thought of self-doubt I catch.

I do not allow fear to hold me back.

I stop being so harsh on myself. I am beautiful and capable.

I embrace the suck.

All of my problems have solutions.

I can reach all my dreams.

I am allowed to take up space.

I make mistakes, but I always learn from them.

I am not afraid to ask for help when I need it.

I am on my way to great things.

I uplift and embrace others.

I am eager to learn everything necessary to be the best at this job.

I deserve respect.

My opinions are valuable and deserve to be heard.

My future seems bright, positive, and full of success.

I can take up space.

I choose to love myself exactly as I am.

My friends trust and respect me.

I deserve complete and unconditional love.

I am completely free of self-doubt.

My actions help others feel better.

I knock all challenges out of the park.

My potential is limitless.

I rise above my insecurities.

Others treat me with the respect I deserve.

Every day I wake up feeling happy with myself.

I am grateful for all of my gifts.

I am here.

My family accepts me as I am and always supports me.

My future holds endless possibilities. I trust the process and let go of control.

I don’t settle for less than I deserve.

I am bold and ask questions when I don’t understand something.

I choose happiness over fear.

I am welcome here.

I see the silver lining in every difficulty.

My self-talk is as positive as this affirmation.

I give myself credit for each successful project I finish at work.

I can overcome any obstacle.

I am trying my best and growing every day.

It is safe for me to be my authentic self.

I choose to beautify all things.

My life is a gift and I choose to celebrate every second of it.

I make my opinions, viewpoints, and ideas known.

I am living my best life.

I pick myself up. I can always improve.

Affirmations for Self-Doubt at Work

I am growing professionally and improving my skills every day.

I am a savage.

I am safe and supported, rooted in the present moment.

I choose to let go of past hurts.

I accept myself for who I am, imperfections and all!

I let go of all negative self-talk.

Others value my insight and opinion.

I am a positive, happy person.

I can’t wait to overcome this challenge.

My skills are invaluable, and I am constantly improving them.

I am open to opportunities.

I see confidence when I look in the mirror.

I love myself fully. I am always worthy. I matter.

I love receiving compliments from people and gratefully accept them.

I choose to fill my life with joy and positivity.

My ideas are worth listening to.

I learn from my past and shape my future.

I forgive myself.

My friends think highly of me.

I love and respect who I am.

My goals and ideas are valid and worthwhile.

I easily overcome all obstacles.

I was made to fulfill a purpose.

I walk with my chin up and shoulders back.

I love myself completely and wholly.

I make new progress every day.

My intuition is my north star.

I bow to nobody but my maker.

I can reach my goals.

I am beautifully and wonderfully made.

I have attributes and positive qualities in abundance.

I don’t need to prove myself to anyone. I am amazing as I am.

My body always takes care of me.

All experiences I encounter shape me to be the highest version of myself.

I deserve good things.

Even when we are apart, my friends and family are with me in spirit.

I refuse to worry about the things that are out of my control.

I may make mistakes, but I am not my mistakes.

I always fall on my feet.

I see setbacks as learning opportunities.

I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

My determination is stronger than my self-doubt.

I love the positive boundaries I’ve set for myself.

I learn and grow from the obstacles I’ve faced.

I have everything I need already.

I am in full control of my life.

I ace my days.

I don’t have to compare myself to other people.

I trust myself and have faith in my abilities.

Everything will be great, as this is the only way I accept it.

How Do Affirmations Help With Self-doubt?

I believe in my abilities.

I speak to myself with loving kindness.

Confidence and positivity drip from my pores.

I love and accept myself completely.

I never doubt my professional abilities as I know I have the required skills.

I am right where I am supposed to be.

I am complete in Christ.

I am strong enough to embrace rejection and failure.

I am capable of achieving success and making all my dreams come true.

My family is proud of all I’ve achieved.

I have the courage to be seen.

I am managing my time in the most efficient way.

People love and respect me as much as I love and respect myself.

I’ve been chosen to bear fruit and be successful

I have all that I need within me now.

I am perfect exactly as I am.

I am ambitious. I am a go-getter. I am a warrior.

I am a complex person and that’s OK.

I know what I am capable of.

My hard work and determination are an example to others.

I am strong. I am powerful. I am worthy.

I deserve greatness and am willing to work for it.

I am blessed.

I am God’s work of art.

I am smart and confident.

I recognize my self-doubt and I won’t allow it to affect my decisions anymore.

My presence brings joy to others.

I am worthy of people’s time.

Mistakes do not define me.

I am a creative, ambitious person who can overcome any obstacle.

I know that I deserve the best. Nothing and nobody can convince me otherwise.

Each passing day I see my confidence levels grow.

I release my internal fight with the old and focus my energy on creating the new.

I am in control of my emotions.

Every day takes me a step closer to achieving my goals.

I am ready to step out of my comfort zone.

I eliminate every bit of negative thinking and switch to a positive mindset.

No matter what, I am always worthy of love and respect.

I am here for a purpose.

My experience helps me find new ways of improving.

I lead with confidence and pride.

I am responsible for making this relationship work.

I won’t allow the actions or words of others to define how I view myself.

Success comes easily to me.

I treat myself with kindness and expect the same from others.

I speak my mind without fear or shame.

I am a great person who’s worthy of respect.

Read this next: 50 Affirmations for Single Women [BE POWERFUL]

What is Self-Doubt?

Self-doubt is a feeling of insecurity about yourself and your abilities.

The problem with self-doubt isn’t necessarily having it—it’s what happens when we let it stop us from doing things that make us happy or fulfill our dreams.

When self-doubt takes over, we can start obsessing over every little detail, worrying endlessly about whether or not we’ll succeed at something without ever actually giving ourselves time.

Examples of Self-Doubt

I have seen so many cases of self doubt in people, but here are two of the most common scenarios.

I’m not good enough.

This is the most common example of self-doubt and one we all experience.

The thought that we are not good enough at something is a natural response when we first start doing something new, but if you let this thought take over your thinking, it can be crippling.

Stop this negative thinking by reminding yourself that everyone starts somewhere and no one is born knowing how to do everything perfectly the first time they try it out!

What if they don’t like me?

This kind of self-doubt comes from worrying about what others think about us and our behavior.

We often feel this way when meeting new people or making new friends, but instead of dwelling on these thoughts, try focusing on just being yourself. ‘

Even the tastiest pizza in the world will have haters!

What Causes Self-doubt?

Who Could Benefit From Affirmations for Self Doubt?

Self-doubt comes from a lack of self-love and confidence.

When you don’t love yourself, you don’t trust yourself.

And when you don’t trust yourself, you question everything you do.

You second-guess yourself and worry that the decisions you make are the wrong ones.

If you find yourself experiencing chronic self-doubt, it’s important to understand what’s causing it so that you can learn how to break out of the cycle.

There are a number of causes, and I will discuss three of them here.

Unhappy childhood

Overly critical and perfectionist parents, who expect their children to be successful and perfect in every way, can cause children to doubt themselves.

These children may become so afraid of making mistakes that they lose the ability to take risks and try new things.

They may also see themselves as being unworthy of love or success.

Poor Academic Performance

Many people tend to associate poor grades with being a failure.

You start thinking, that you’re not going to get into the college of your choice and you may even lose your confidence in your ability to do well in school.

Another cause can be peer pressure.

If your friends are all doing better than you and getting higher grades, it can make you feel like an outcast.

Especially if they point this out or make fun of you for it.

And when this happens over and over again, it can really damage your self-esteem and make you question whether or not you’re cut out for this type of thing — which can lead to self-doubt.

Change in Environment

If you’ve recently moved to a new area or changed jobs, it can take time to adjust to a new environment and fit in with the people around you.

This will affect how confident you feel about yourself, making it more difficult for you to cope with change, especially if there’s no support system in place for you to lean on when things get tough.

Is Self-doubt Bad?

It’s a question we’ve asked ourselves time and time again.

The answer is yes, and no.

Yes, it can be bad—if you let it. And no, it can be good—if you let it.

Self-doubt is a natural part of human nature that helps us to stay grounded in our reality and make sure we don’t get too high on ourselves (which could lead to some pretty disastrous results).

It’s a sign that your mind is working properly, and that you’re questioning the things around you and looking for ways to improve your life.

There’s also something called “healthy self-confidence” that comes from believing in yourself and your abilities enough to take risks when necessary.

If you want to be successful in life, whether professionally or personally, learning how to be confident in yourself is key!

How Do Affirmations Help With Self-doubt?

How to Use Affirmations to Overcome Self Doubt?

Well, when we’re experiencing self-doubt, it can be hard to believe anything positive about ourselves.

We don’t feel worthy of love or capable of having a successful relationship.

So when we start saying affirmations as if they were true—even though we don’t really believe them yet—we start creating a new belief system for ourselves.

We start to see ourselves differently—and eventually, those beliefs become reality!

To dive a bit deeper into this, affirmations can remind you of your strengths and abilities.

When you feel like nothing is going your way and everything is falling apart, it’s hard to remember all of the things about yourself that make you awesome.

When we’re feeling down, our brains tend to focus on negative thoughts.

That’s why affirmations are so helpful: they force us to think about what makes us awesome when we’re feeling down or discouraged.

And those thoughts have a way of sticking with us long after the affirmation has ended!

Who Could Benefit From Affirmations for Self Doubt?

Affirmations for self-doubt can be a powerful tool for anyone who is struggling with believing in themselves.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, student, or stay-at-home parent, you may use positive affirmations as such to help you overcome the feeling that you aren’t good enough.

If you’re an entrepreneur, affirmations can help you believe in yourself when no one else will and stick to your dreams.

If you’re a student, affirmations can help you get through exams and test papers with less stress and more confidence.

If you’re a parent, affirmations can help bring happiness back into your life as well as balance out the daily chaos of raising kids.

The list goes on, and here are a few more examples:

People who are constantly second-guessing themselves

People who are afraid of taking chances or making mistakes

People who are afraid of success

People who have trouble believing in their own abilities

How to Use Affirmations to Overcome Self Doubt?

Here are five actionable steps you can take right now to use affirmations to overcome self-doubt:

Identify what you want to change about yourself and what makes it feel unattainable.

You might want to be more confident in social situations, but find it hard because you’re afraid of being laughed at or embarrassed if you don’t know how to act right away.

Your goal is “be more confident in social situations.”

Think about the qualities that would help you achieve this goal—like bravery, patience, and persistence—and write them down as affirmations, such as “I am brave” or “I am patient.”

Repeat these affirmations throughout your day whenever possible (for example, on your way to work, while brushing your teeth, first thing when you wake up, or last thing before you sleep

Be mindful of how the negative thought is affecting your life—and change it! If you’re feeling less confident because of your weight and start making healthier food choices and eating less, then you will feel more confident!

The more confident you feel about yourself, the more likely you are to take risks and challenge yourself in new ways—which leads us to step five…

Celebrate all of the progress you’ve made!

In Conclusion: Affirmations to Overcome Self Doubt

We all get caught in the trap of negative thinking, at least sometimes.

But what if we didn’t?

This is a reminder that we can choose to think positively, and that we deserve to make that choice.

We don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect before we can enjoy it! Just relax and enjoy the feeling of ease and comfort as you take a little time to appreciate yourself.

Once again: you’re lovable just the way you are.

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