114 Beautiful Affirmations For Love And Marriage


Are you looking to attract love into your life?

Looking for more romance?

Maybe you are single and you are looking for your soulmate.

The journey for finding the right partner can be long and frustrating at times.

No matter the love you are looking for, you need to stay positive.

To help you stay positive, I compiled 114 heartwarming affirmations for love.

These affirmations will help you stay positive and bring good vibes into your life.

This in turn will help you to attract that which you are looking for.

114 Beautiful Affirmations For Love And Marriage

How To Use Affirmations

affirmations for love

Before I get into the love mantras, I want to give you a quick introduction on how to use daily affirmations.

This will help to ensure you get the most out of them.

Of course, I encourage you to read my post below so you get a complete understanding.

But for now, this quick primer will cover the basics.

To make these affirmations work, you need to pick a few, say 5-7, that you like.

Read through the list and speak each saying aloud.

You might want to say each one a few times too.

What you are looking for is an internal reaction when you say them.

This feeling you get inside will be a good one, like your intuition talking to you.

When you get this feeling, make note of the mantra.

After you have a few, start reciting them on a daily basis.

Try to speak them 3 times a day.

Speak them out like and boldly believe them to be true.

As you do this, you will begin to see them work.

And as you read through the affirmations, feel free to change some of the words so they are more personal and speak to you.

Love Affirmations To Attract Your Soulmate

#1. I allow the universe to help me find love.

#2. My relationship will be open, honest and full of abundance.

#3. I will never give up on finding true love.

#4. My heart is prepared to receive love.

#5. I am attracting my dream future.

#6. Love is always flowing to me.

#7. I love my soulmate and I love myself.

#8. Love is all around me.

#9. I am attracting the perfect person for me.

I only attract healthy relationships

#10. I only attract healthy relationships.

#11. The universe is bringing me romance and passion.

#12. I am worthy of a healthy, loving relationship.

#13. I deserve to receive the love I get and I open myself to the love the Universe gives me.

#14. I am manifesting my dream partner.

#15. I attract loving and caring people into my life.

#16. I am open to receiving love.

#17. I trust the Universe to bring my true love to me.

#18. I am attracting real connection.

I give my heart, ready to receive the heart of another

#19. I give my heart, ready to receive the heart of another.

Affirmations For Relationships

#20. I find love everywhere I go.

#21. I happily give and receive love each day.

#22. A happy partnership is supportive, balanced and affectionate.

#23. I am loved more than I ever thought possible.

#24. My marriage grows stronger every day.

#25. I radiate love.

#26. Love surrounds me and everyone around me.

#27. I deserve to be happy in my relationship.

#28. Sharing love comes easily to me.

My relationships are always fulfilling.

#29. My relationships are always fulfilling.

#30. Today I will continue to create the foundation of a happy and loving relationship.

#31. I am overwhelmed with love.

#32. Love is unlimited.

#33. My love grows stronger every day.

#34. I am surrounded by love.

#35. All of my relationships are long-term and offer a positive, loving experience.

#36. I love being in a relationship.

#37. My love is unconditional.

I am in the healthiest relationship of my life

#38. I am in the healthiest relationship of my life.

Love Affirmations For A Specific Person

#39. My specific person is always attracted to me.

#40. I am in a wonderful relationship with someone who treats me right.

#41. My partner is a reflection of me.

#42. My specific person loves me deeply.

#43. I am first on his/her priority.

#44. My partner shows me deep, passionate love.

#45. I am thankful for the love in my life and I am thankful for my caring partner.

#46. I am swept up in romance.

#47. My specific person only has eyes for me.

#48. We both have a very healthy relationship.

#49. My partner and I are both happy and in love. Our relationship is joyous.

My specific person is affectionate to me

#50. My specific person is affectionate to me.

#51. I am loved.

#52. My specific person always thinks about me.

#53. My specific person is attracted to me alone.

#54. I am in a relationship with someone I respect who also respects me.

#55. I love those around me and I love myself. Others show me love.

#56. I deserve mind-blowing passion in my relationship.

#57. My specific person cares about how I feel.

#58. My specific person accords me with the utmost respect.

#59. I am with the love of my life. We both treat each other with respect.

#60. My specific person finds comforts around me.

#61. I love who I am, and so does my partner.

#62. My specific person thinks very highly of me.

We have a fulfilling relationshi

#63. We have a fulfilling relationship.

Affirmations For Attracting Love

#64. I am grateful for the love in my life.

#65. I naturally find love everywhere.

#66. The universe wants the most fulfilling, wonderful love for me.

#67. I can feel love whenever I choose to.

#68. I am open to love.

#69. I open my heart to love and know that I deserve it.

#70. Love is accessible to me at any time.

#71. I am here to experience love.

#72. I am open to a healthy, loving relationship that is right for me.

#73. Wherever I go and whoever I am with, I find love.

#74. I am open to marriage and attracting my future spouse.

I am open to receive knock-my-socks off love

#75. I am open to receive knock-my-socks off love.

#76. The universe is bringing my soulmate to me.

#77. I am happy to give and receive love every day.

#78. I connect with others easily.

#79. I am capable and deserving of a long lasting relationship.

#80. I know and trust that the Universe will only bring me loyal supporting and loving relationships.

#81. I am so thankful for my partner and how caring they are.

#82. My love is infinite.

#83. I only attract healthy, loving relationships.

I am making room for an amazing partner in my life

#84. I am making room for an amazing partner in my life.

Affirmations For Self Love

#85. Today, I choose me.

#86. I am lovable.

#87. I am unique.

#88. My imperfections are what make me unique.

#89. I deserve love and affection.

#90. My own love is enough.

#91. I love myself.

#92. I exhale negativity and inhale happiness.

#93. Loving myself comes to me easily.

I am beautiful

#94. I am beautiful.

#95. My own love is the best kind of love.

#96. I am love and light.

#97. I am terrifically charismatic.

#98. I have all the love inside me that I need.

#99. I am special.

#100. I love myself unconditionally.

#101. I am gorgeous.

#102. Each day I am so grateful for how loved I am and much people care about me.

#103. I am love.

#104. I am worthy of love.

I love my body and all that it does for me

#105. I love my body and all that it does for me.

#106. Being myself is enough.

#107. I am confident, self-assured and full of charisma.

#108. I am worthy of celebrating myself.

#109. I choose myself.

#110. My own love is a priority.

#111. I am exactly who I need to be.

#112. I am more than my body.

#113. I love myself deeply and fully.

Love starts with me

#114. Love starts with me.

Final Thoughts

There are 114 affirmations for love.

As I mentioned at the beginning, these affirmations will help you to attract more love and romance into your life.

They will also help you attract the perfect partner you should be with.

Now that you have your mantras, take the time to start speaking them daily so you can continue on your journey of love.

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