162 Inspiring Tuesday Affirmations


If you’re like most people, Tuesday is just another day. 

But it doesn’t have to be. 

You decide how good or bad of a day it is going to be.

And by staying positive, you can keep your experience on the good day side.

But this can be hard.

As a result, I am sharing with you some of the best Tuesday affirmations. 

By repeating these positive statements to yourself, you can change your attitude and outlook for the day. 

So get ready to start your week off with a smile!

162 Inspiring Tuesday Affirmations For Success

Tuesday Morning Affirmations

Tuesday affirmations

#1. All things are possible for me because I believe in myself.

#2. Asking for help is a sign of self-respect and self-awareness.

#3. Changing my mind is a strength, not a weakness.

#4. Every day is a new opportunity to start over again.

Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

#5. Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

#6. Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better for me and my family.

#7. Every decision I make is supported by my whole experience.

#8. Every morning when I wake up, I feel gratitude for another wonderful opportunity.

#9. Every single thing that happens in my life has been leading me towards something better.

#10. Everything comes to me at the perfect time.

#11. Everything that I need to start a wonderful day is with me.

#12. Everything will work out just fine in the end.

#13. Good energy is flowing through me.

#14. I accept all my feelings without judgment.

#15. I accept myself as I am.

#16. I accept myself for who I am.

#17. I accept myself.

#18. I affirm and encourage others, as I do myself.

#19. I alone hold the truth of who I am.

#20. My Tuesday is a new opportunity to start over again.

My Tuesday is filled with joy and abundance

#21. My Tuesday is filled with joy & abundance.

#22. My Tuesday offers a new beginning overflowing with possibility and opportunity.

#23. On this Tuesday when I wake up, I feel gratitude for another wonderful opportunity.

#24. Opportunities are all around me.

#25. This day is filled with possibilities and potential.

#26. This is the only Tuesday I get this week and I intend to make the most of it

#27. This Tuesday I am prepared to make the most out of my day.

#28. This Tuesday I shall find a better version of myself.

#29. This Tuesday I shall manifest whatever I have been asking for so long.

#30. This Tuesday will be the best day of my week.

#31. I am a good person.

#32. I am a happiness magnet.

#33. I am a healthy and happy person.

#34. I am allowed to ask for what I want and what I need.

#35. I am allowed to feel good.

I am always doing my best.

#36. I am always doing my best.

#37. I am at peace with myself.

#38. I am beautiful on the inside and out.

#39. Life is a beautiful gift.

#40. My body deserves love and care from myself.

#41. My body is a vessel of wellness.

#42. My body is worthy of love and healthy choices.

Tuesday Positive Affirmations

#43. I am strong and powerful.

#44. I am worthy of love.

#45. I am starting my day with a good mood and inspiring thoughts.

#46. I am loved.

#47. I am feeling healthy and strong today.

#48. I am strong enough to handle anything life throws my way.

#49. I am focused, excited, energized and determined.

#50. I choose to fill myself with positive energy.

#51. I am in charge of how I feel and I choose happiness.

#52. I am open and receptive to healing energy.

I am grateful for my resilience and strength.

#53. I am grateful for my resilience and strength.

#54. I begin the day with peace and gratitude.

#55. I am determined and will never give up.

#56. I am strong.

#57. I am grateful for the challenges that help me grow.

#58. I am grateful for my ability to learn and improve.

#59. I am peaceful, and at ease.

#60. I am complete as I am, others simply support me.

#61. I am ready to experience this day with joy.

#62. I am creative.

#63. I am enough just like I am.

#64. I am grateful for all the experiences that make me who I am.

#65. I am loved and deserve love just the way I am.

#66. I can do anything that I set my mind to.

#67. I am doing the work that works for me.

#68. I choose to focus on the positive.

I am filled with gratitude for another day.

#69. I am filled with gratitude for another day.

#70. I am exactly where I need to be now.

#71. I am surrounded by positive and loving people

#72. I am grateful for the kind and loving people in my life.

#73. I am grateful for my life.

#74. I am grateful for my imagination, creativity, and all the great ideas I come up with.

#75. I am capable of balancing ease and effort in my life.

#76. I am putting my stamp on this Tuesday. Big things are brewing for me today.

#77. I am healthy and happy.

#78. I am grateful for having a sense of purpose and meaning.

#79. I am grateful and fully appreciating of all the love and abundance in my life.

#80. I am surrounded by people who love me unconditionally.

#81. I am strong and healthy.

#82. I am whole and complete.

#83. I am content and free from pain.

Tuesday Affirmations For Work

#84. Tuesday represents second chances and today I make the most of my second chances.

#85. Today, there is no past, there is no future. There is only this moment.

#86. My success brings happiness both to me and those close to me.

My future is full of endless possibilities.

#87. My future is full of endless possibilities.

#88. Today will be a great and productive day.

#89. My life is going in the right direction.

#90. Today is a new day.

#91. I believe in myself.

#92. My thoughts are powerful and can change my life.

#93. This abundance, this positive energy allows me to step into my day, into my work, into my mission, into every word and action.

#94. There’s nothing that can stop me from achieving my goals today.

#95. My life is filled with love, peace, and joy.

#96. Today is a new day and each new day presents a fresh start.

#97. Tuesday is my day. When Monday stumbles, Tuesday is my chance to start again.

#98. The Universe supports me unconditionally.

#99. What other people think of me does not make me who I am.

#100. Today is going to be an amazing day.

#101. My future is bright.

Today, I greet the day with fresh eyes and new ideas.

#102. Today, I greet the day with fresh eyes and new ideas.

#103. All of the hard work that I do will eventually pay off.

#104. Tuesday is my day. It’s my day to capitalize on Monday’s momentum and I do.

#105. Today, my world is beautiful because it’s mine to create.

#106. When one door closes another opens.

#107. Abundance flows through my day. 

#108. Today is going to be an amazing day because it’s full of possibilities.

#109. Tuesday is my favorite day.

#110. My thoughts and feelings are valid.

#111. Tuesday is my day. I keep Monday’s momentum going and set myself up for an awesome week.

#112. There are no mistakes in life, just feedback.

#113. Today I focus on what makes me feel good.

#114. Tuesday is my day. I keep the momentum going after a stellar Monday.

#115. It’s okay to make mistakes, it’s how we learn and grow.

Today is a new day, and I can do whatever I want with it.

#116. Today is a new day, and I can do whatever I want with it.

#117. Today, I choose to be happy.

#118. Today is filled with opportunity.

#119. Tuesdays are my day. I move forward while my competition recovers from the negative.

#120. Monday they created in their minds.

#121. When I share my feelings, people are supportive of what I have to say.

#122. There’s nothing that can stop me from achieving my goals today.

Early Week Affirmations

#123. I will go through my day with an open heart and an open mind.

#124. I send love to each organ, bone, and muscle in my body.

#125. I have more than enough time, energy, and resources to get through this day.

#126. I forgive myself for any mistakes that I made yesterday.

#127. I trust my inner wisdom.

#128. I now have everything I need to be successful. All of my needs have been met.

#129. I know each day is a blessing and a gift.

#130. I wake up every day and I think it’s a good day.

I’m ready to face the challenges of the day.

#131. I’m ready to face the challenges of the day.

#132. I feel empowered, in control, and confident.

#133. I deserve to be happy today.

#134. I thank my body through exercise and healthy choices.

#135. I will not compare myself to others.

#136. I shall learn new skills today.

#137. I have the power within me to make a difference in this world.

#138. I release all negative feelings about money.

#139. I lovingly do everything I can to assist my body in maintaining health.

#140. I will finish my tasks with joy today.

#141. I make great decisions.

#142. In this now, I give myself permission to release toxicity from every level of my energy field.

#143. I feel calmer and more at peace with each exhale.

#144. I open my mind to everything life has to offer.

#145. I love myself just as much as others love me.

I welcome abundance into my life.

#146. I welcome abundance into my life.

#147. I matter, no matter what.

#148. I take things one step at a time.

#149. I shall act with courage today.

#150. I’m smart and capable.

#151. I deserve to have my needs met.

#152. I welcome new challenges into my life.

#153. I’m thankful to be alive today.

#154. I will greet this day with patience.

#155. I feel financially secure and at peace.

#156. I live in the present and not let my past affect my decisions.

#157. I will always be guided with the lessons I learn from my mistakes today.

#158. I love and accept myself.

#159. I focus on what I can change and let go of everything else.

#160. I’m grateful to be alive.

#161. It doesn’t matter who said what about me, they’re not the ones living my life.

#162. I deserve the best in life.

Final Thoughts

There are over 162 inspiring Tuesday affirmations you can use for growth.

You should also use them to help you get through your day.

Tuesdays can be a tough day, only because you have so long until the weekend.

But using these affirmations can help you to stay in the right frame of mind so you can be your best.

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