Double Standards Alert: The 12 Most Jaw-Dropping Acts of Hypocrisy


Have you ever heard someone voice an opinion only to hear them completely contradict it the very next minute?

Double standards are ubiquitous in society and far too prevalent when it comes to matters of gender.

From the lowest levels of government up to the biggest corporate boards, there’s no denying that women and those who identify as female often face harsher judgments and stigmas than their male counterparts.

We wanted to take a look at some of the largest acts of hypocrisy taking place today, so we created this list detailing 12 acts of stunning double standards in our world today.

Get ready for jaw-dropping facts about everyday happenings from around the globe that demonstrate just how unequal our societies really are!

#1. Anti-Abortion Except for Yourself

sad woman crying
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some describe strongly pro-life friends who justified making an exception and getting an abortion themselves since they were “not like those other irresponsible women.”

Being able to condemn others for a choice you allow yourself passionately relies on some convoluted rationalizations.

But secretly believing you’re an exception to your moral rules indicates an unhealthy dose of denial and hypocrisy.

Rules that apply to society except when inconvenient for you expose the flimsy foundations underlying your supposed principles.

#2. Dismissing Fact as Fiction

smart woman thinking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Consider someone rejecting an entire medium or genre as invalid or meaningless, regardless of the factual accuracy of the specific content.

For example, dismissing animation as “not real” or “just for children” even when portraying historical events or meaningful stories reveals an inability to recognize truth in certain formats.

Rationality dictates that an accurate account does not become fictional simply by portraying it in an artistic style they dislike or fail to understand.

However, such inverted thinking prevents certain people from gaining insight through non-traditional sources.

#3. The Self-Important Parking Lot Driver

Photo Credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

Some people described being nearly run over by impatient drivers in parking lots who act entitled and upset when they need to walk through the lot just minutes later.

The lightning-fast transition from bullying to self-righteous victim when simply changing roles reveals stunning hypocrisy.

Just moments after breaking the rules and endangering pedestrians with their vehicles, they become indignant over having to navigate around those same pedestrians on foot cautiously.

Their perceived right to drive recklessly vanishes instantly once they exit the vehicle and adopt the opposing role.

#4. Deporting Others While Living Abroad

older woman with arms crossed
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Some support policies deporting undocumented immigrants denying them opportunities, healthcare, and education in their new country.

Yet they see no issue living as expats enjoying a high-quality life themselves in other nations, benefiting from the openness and services those societies provide to newcomers.

The inability to recognize the painful irony suggests an impressive capacity for hypocrisy.

How can one morally justify banning others from the same chances they gladly utilize for personal gain?

The mental maze required to condemn immigration at home while benefiting from it abroad is truly a feat.

#5. Hateful Actions in the Name of Religion

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Consider people loudly proclaiming their religious faith and values yet simultaneously passing harsh, unempathetic judgment on those different from themselves – whether immigrants, minorities, the poor, or marginalized groups.

The hypocrisy of claiming superior morality through religion while actively violating its core message of compassion and inclusion requires considerable mental gymnastics.

Their hostile behavior towards disliked groups contradicts the very belief system they espouse.

Using faith as a weapon rather than a source of love creates quite the mental pretzel.

#6. Denying Generational Privilege

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Also commonplace is the tendency of those who inherited wealth, connections, and status from their families to believe they climbed the ladder solely by virtuous effort.

Unable or unwilling to acknowledge the enormous advantages of intergenerational money, education, nepotism, and other privileges requires some powerful mental blocking.

But we all know people who espouse the self-made man mythology despite clearly standing on the shoulders of their ancestors.

Their almost delusional denial of reality stretches belief but enables them to feel smugly superior over others struggling below them.

#7. Demanding Rules Be Followed, But Not by You

Photo Credit: VaDrobotBO via Deposit Photos.

Think of those who became obsessed with critiquing others’ social distancing, masking, and other rule-following behaviors during COVID while feeling their noncompliance was justified for various reasons.

This “do as I say, not as I do” mentality requires convoluted rationalizations.

If health rules are essential enough to judge others for ignoring, basic logic says they should apply equally to everyone.

But the mentality persists that “good reasons” make someone exempt. What constitutes a good reason relies more on self-interest than ethics.

#8. Judging Others Harshly for Your Flaws

skeptic woman
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

This common tendency involves judging others’ behaviors as failings of character or morality while making excuses for the same actions in yourself.

For example, harshly critiquing coworkers for lateness when we roll in 15 minutes after start time ourselves or scolding a partner for forgetting chores we often skip.

Being unable to extend the same leniency we grant ourselves to others’ identical behaviors reflects distorted thinking and an inability to recognize our hypocrisy.

If situational factors excuse our transgressions, logically, they should also apply to others dealing with similar circumstances.

#9. Opposing Welfare While Receiving Assistance

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Consider individuals dependent on disability payments, food stamps, housing vouchers, or other government aid who strongly oppose welfare and similar programs.

The inability to recognize their contradictory logic reveals the power of biased thinking – the assistance they receive is proper and deserved, while equivalent public aid utilized by others is wrong and a sign of poor character.

But the only difference is their reliance on certain types of help.

The circular reasoning required to justify the contradiction exposes the irrationality of certain prejudices.

#10. Demonizing Immigrants as Lazy and Stealing Jobs

man angry
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Some portray immigrants as simultaneously stealing jobs and living as lazy welfare recipients – two contradictory stereotypes that both feed prejudice.

Believing newcomers are freeloading drains on the system while working hard enough to rob citizens of employment supposedly requires considerable mental agility.

This willingness to buy into and spread such illogical, hateful tropes to fuel an anti-immigrant agenda exposes the irrationality underlying certain toxic biases.

They exploit confirmation bias rather than logic.

#11. The Addict Who Judges Others

Photo Credit: olly18 via Deposit Photos.

Consider an alcoholic or drug addict who looks down on others struggling with the same harmful behaviors they engage in.

Their self-destructive actions should create empathy, yet they remain locked in denial and are quick to judge others.

The complete lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.

How can someone so ravaged by substance abuse issues criticize anyone else or feel pity over another’s addictions?

Their ongoing choices should make them more understanding, yet they cannot see past their circumstances to recognize their hypocrisy.

#12. The Aggressive Driver Who Fumes at Others

angry driver
Photo Credit: mikrokon via Deposit Photos.

Many of us have witnessed this maddening hypocrisy on the roadways – the driver cutting people off, speeding excessively, and disregarding traffic laws who then shake their fists or honk at others doing the same.

The inability to recognize their reckless behavior while raging at identical actions in others requires powerful mental blocking.

Of course, situational factors like being late or stressed can lead people to drive aggressively.

But to condemn and attack others for the very same driving transgressions without any self-reflection is a prime example of distorted thinking.

Become A Better Person

Photo Credit: PixelsAway via Deposit Photos.

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This thread inspired this article.

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